- FlexiGlobal provides fully Integrated World Class Facilities for FIBC & Silo bags, Specialty barrier films, BOPP bags and more .
- At FlexiGlobal FIBC Solutions, safeguarding the well-being of all our stakeholders is of prime importance. We have established high standards of personal and operational hygiene.
- Our commitment to hygiene and cleanliness ensures food grade FIBCs that are sanitized and free from dust, germs and pollutants.
- AIB and BRC Superior rating since inception endorses our commitment to hygiene.
- Implementation of Food Safety Management System is part of our Food Safety Policy.
Single/ Two Loop Bags
Single/Two Loop FIBC’s are unique in design where the body of bag itself extends to incorporate one or two lifting loops.
Four Loop Bags
This standard big bag with (standard) open top, closed bottom and four lifting loops, is very suitable for transporting
UN Bags
To maintain international regulations for transport by sea, rail and road, FlexiGlobal designs and produces quality UN Bags
Specialized Bags: Type C + D
Conductive bags are bags that conduct the charges generated at the time of filling & emptying of the products.
Specialized Bags: Baffle Bags
Baffle bag gives improved stability and improved loading efficiency of containers and trucks.
Builder Bags / Tunnel Lift Bags
Builder Bags are used for high volume usage. Flexituff holds a patent for Tunnel LiftTM bags.